Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Mark Corske: System vs Humans


Another gem posted to my Facebook days ago...

It starts out with that royalty sponsored writer Shakespeare (it is rumored that a bunch of establishment sponsored writers wrote using his name and he may not have even existed) who deceives people though tunneling and cul de sac logic.

Mark Corske takes us through a historical narrative pitting Man vs Machine or in this case Man vs the System. The system is there for the benefit of small amount of individuals but detrimental, in its parasitic form, to the rest of the population. The system is methodologically built and run using the latest developed techniques and technology. It is there, all but oblivious to its victims.

So how do you de-domesticate and kill the system? Find out... The 4 part is a MUST WATCH!! It gets better in part 2.

[Youtube] Mark Corske: Engines of Domination - Part 1

[Youtube] Mark Corske: Engines of Domination - Part 2
[Youtube] Mark Corske: Engines of Domination - Part 3
[Youtube] Mark Corske: Engines of Domination - Part 4

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